Monday, October 24, 2016

Drinking Water Chemicals

Water consumable by people and animals is referred to as drinking or potable water. Water might be naturally consumable in nature, like pure natural springs, or might be processed to make the end use consumable. In either way, water security is evaluated with tests which search for possibly unsafe contaminants. Contaminants of drinking water increase day by day and it is necessary to put a check on the same, due to the buildup of toxic chemicals, infectious agents, even trace radioactive hazards. Drinking water quality is a strong determinant of general health. And, to ensure safe drinking water helps in laying the foundation for prevention and control of water-borne diseases.

Common drinking water contaminants include the following:
·         - Chlorine, causing bladder and rectal cancer, even asthma

·        -  Lead enters tap water through eroded pipelines. Lead poisoning brings about learning and developmental disorders

·        -  Giardia, Cryptosporidium sorts of protozoa account for serious flare-ups of GI tract illnesses

Drinking Water Chemicals generally account for the safety and purification of drinking/ potable water. It ranges from potable water disinfection to mineral additives, anything holding the water quality at the maximum.

Reverse Osmosis is one of the finest methods for pure Drinking Water. It is one of the processes where water is forced into a set of semi-permeable membranes under pressure and working against the concentration gradient, water is highly purified, ensuring the removal of most toxins and contaminants which otherwise pollute and hamper the wellbeing of the consumers. But, reverse osmosis comes with a catch of being developing biofouling or scaling issues. And it is necessary to clean and disinfect the same that otherwise hampers the efficiency of the process ergo tampering with the water quality, making membrane cleaners and disinfectants a subcategory of drinking water chemicals.

Drinking Water Chemicals also include the addition of food grade minerals with specific end use, such as sodium bicarbonate for increasing alkalinity, etc.

Next category falling under the same includes the safe sanitation of bottled plants, and jars which holds the most load for water transfer, making it necessary to disinfect the same, otherwise adulterated vessels contaminate the safe drinking water making it unsafe and non-consumable.
Contamination/ tainting can be dealt with the application of Drinking Water Chemicals which are included in the treatment of consumable water for rendering it safe to drink.

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